
Junglimericks Again

Traveling to nature reserves and wildlife not only inspires many to be photographers, naturalists, bloggers but also brings out poetic skills in some. Asani Bhaduri, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Molecular and Computational Biology, takes to poetry to share his jungle experiences with Saevus readers – ‘Junglimericks‘, as he aptly calls his poetic expression. Here is the next part of his much awaited series.


Flamish Orange, Black and White

The Tigress indeed is “Burning Bright”

The Queen of Bildanda

Escapes the Guides’ funda

Darshan? Only when she thinks the time is right.

Why Monitor? I am not in class

Screeched the Lizard while basking in grass

Though checking the surroundings I prefer

Nothing beats a woody armchair

Foolish nomenclature, Scientists are crass.

Who the hell made all the Warbler(s)

Tough to frame, tougher the identifier

Supercillium, ear coverts

Flight feathers, wing bars

Pipits wail, Us? Don’t bother

The lonely Jackal was marking his area

The forest in full bloom, Golden Cassia

The sandy riverbed

Suddenly turned red

Tiger behind? No, just sleep apnea

The Sun is up, so are we

From the dusty hole, to the morning breeze

We are Spiny-tailed

Our Kingdom thus be hailed

Oh, Crap! The Laggar – The enemy!!

About the Author /

Asani Bhaduri urf the ‘Half-mad K-no-w mad’ is an Assistant Professor at University of Delhi. A ‘Non-directional Traveler’ and ‘SLR-less Photographer’, Asani believes that the beauty of nature and wildlife is for everyone, not just for the rich and select few. Being a ‘benign birder’, he regularly posts his non-SLR bird images in Twitter to encourage common people to take up birding and bird photography. Mr Bhaduri describes himself as an Impact-free Researcher, Non-directional Traveler, Practice-skipping Violinist, SLR-less Photographer, Discerning Omni-reader, Forgetful Phytologist, Benign Birder, Penniless Numismatist, Philanthropic Philatelist, Poorest Art-collector, Grown-up Toy-accumulator, Long short(e)mail Writer, Contradictory Agnostic, Pessimistic Humanist …


  • DHF

    December 6, 2019

    Many words make some expressions blurred… so just one word… FANTASTIC !!!

  • Rajendra Gupta

    December 6, 2019

    Beautiful pictures. Beautiful limericks. Dil mange more!

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